PowerBuilder - Prepare and deliver the source code

This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to doc.castsoftware.com/technologies to find the latest updates.

Summary: This section describes how to prepare and deliver the source code of your PowerBuilder application.

Preparation - source code discovery

Discovery is a process that is actioned during the delivery process CAST will attempt to automatically identify "projects" within your application using a set of predefined rules. Discoverers are currently embedded in CAST Imaging Core:

You should read the relevant documentation for each discoverer (provided in the link above) to understand how the source code will be handled.

Source code delivery

Console expects either a ZIP/archive file or source code located in a folder configured in Console. You should include in the ZIP/source code folder all PowerBuilder source code:

  • .PBT
  • .PBL
  • etc.

CAST highly recommends placing the files in a folder dedicated to PowerBuilder. If you are using a ZIP/archive file, zip the folders in the "temp" folder - but do not zip the "temp" folder itself, nor create any intermediary folders:


PowerBuilder version

In order for a PowerBuilder analysis to complete successfully

  • the PowerBuilder IDE must be installed on the machine on which the analysis is running - i.e. the node
  • or the path to the pborxx.dll file and the PowerBuilder version must be populated in the %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\AipConsole\AipNode\aip-node-app.properties file if the PowerBuilder IDE is not installed on the node.

In essence, Console needs to know the version of PowerBuilder you are delivering/analyzing and where the pborxx.dll file is located:

  • Console will first attempt to discover the location of the pborcXXX.dll file/PowerBuilder version using the Windows registry (on the Node) during the source code delivery process. If Console finds a registry key on the node, it will populate the relevant fields in the Console GUI.
  • If no registry key is found (i.e. the PowerBuilder IDE is not installed on the node), then Console will look in the following file on the target node. For example - these locations can be filled in BEFORE delivering the source code (you must restart the node so that the changes are taken into account):
≥ 2.x


The following sections relevant and should be uncommented/filled in as appropriate:

≥ 2.x
# ==============
# PowerBuilder configuration
# --------------
# Provide the full paths of the pborcXXX.dll that are available on this host separated by ';'
#  pborcdll:
#    location: C:\\Users\\ABD\\Documents\\PB9\\Shared_PB9\\pborc90.dll;C:\\Users\\ABD\\Documents\\PB10\\Shared_PB10\\pborc100.dll
# Maximum number of parallel job executions
# If maximum number of parallel job executions is reached, the job will wait in queue

# ==============
# PowerBuilder configuration
# --------------
# Default version of Power Builder to analyze between (Version8, Version9, VersionX, VersionX5, VersionXI, VersionXI5, VersionXII, VersionXII5, VersionXII6, Version2017, Version2018)
# Path of the pborcXXX.dll file associated to the default PowerBuilder version

If neither method reveals the location of the pborcXXX.dll file/PowerBuilder version, then the analysis will fail.  Above all, the options defined in the Console GUI have priority over the Windows registry and the aip-node-app.properties file (in that order).