This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.

Summary: This page explains how to install the extension on your workstation and prepare the CAST AIP schemas.


  • This section assumes that a complete installation of CAST AIP as described in the CAST AIP install documentation has already been actioned.
  • You must also ensure that your CAST AIP installation is compatible with the extension - AIP compatibility is listed in  Siebel 5.2.
The latest release status of this extension can be seen when downloading it from the CAST Extend server.

Step 1: Obtain the extension

The extension can be downloaded using a tool called the CAST Extension Downloader.

The CAST Extension Downloader connects automatically to a special content delivery server hosted by CAST. First you need to locate the extension you want to download. In the menu shown below, ensure that the following two options are selected:

  • the Latest versions only option (CAST recommends this option to filter out previous releases of extensions)
  • the Long term support only option (CAST recommends this option to filter out pre-release or BETA releases)

Now click the Available option on the left hand side of the application - this option will display all extensions which you have not already downloaded:

All extensions matching the selected filtering options will now be displayed. Scroll through to find the extension your require - selecting an extension in the list will display information about it in the right hand panel, highlighted in red below:

Ensure you take note of the required Dependencies as highlighted above - dependencies listed will be downloaded at the same time as the extension you have chosen (for example, the AngularJS extension requires the HTML5/JavaScript and WBSLinker extensions, the most recent versions of which will be downloaded at the same time). Click the Download button to start the download of the extension:

Extensions are downloaded to the following location on your local machine:


Step 2: CAST schema installation

CAST recommends creating two "triplets" of CAST AIP schemas to use specifically with your Siebel analysis - one for the Project and one for the Vanilla. I.e. create two "Applications" each containing three CAST AIP schemas via the "combined installation" option:

  • Management Base
  • Analysis Service
  • Dashboard Service

Here are some indicative schema sizes for a large Siebel analysis (3.4 GB of source code):





Management Schema

0.163 GB


0.163 GB

Dashboard Schema

1.5 GB

1.5 GB

3 GB

Project Analysis Database

7 GB

7 GB

14 GB

Vanilla Analysis Database

5 GB

6 GB

11 GB

For Project

Use the "combined installation" to create the three CAST AIP schemas for  Project. Run CAST Server Manager (ServMan.exe) and choose the "Schema Installation/Schema Installation… option on the toolbar. In the wizard, choose Initial platform base(s) installation > Additional Analysis platform

You will be prompted to choose the Siebel extension to install :

Set the database prefix (we are using SIEBEL5 for our example, but you can use any name), then continue the wizard process.

CAST Server Manager will install three CAST AIP schemas named as follows:

  • SIEBEL5_LOCAL (CAST Project Analysis Service)
  • SIEBEL5_CENTRAL (CAST Dashboard Service)
  • SIEBEL5_MNGT (for the CAST Management Service)

The extension will be installed at the same time.

For Vanilla

As with the installation of the CAST AIP schemas for the Project, use the "combined installation" to create the three CAST AIP schemas. Run CAST Server Manager (ServMan.exe) and choose the "Schema Installation/Schema Installation… option on the toolbar. In the wizard, choose Initial platform base(s) installation > Additional Analysis platform - you will be prompted to choose the Siebel extension to install.

Set the database prefix (we are using SIEBEL5_V for our example, but you can use any name), then continue the wizard process.

CAST Server Manager will install three CAST AIP schemas named as follows:

  • SIEBEL5_V_LOCAL (CAST Project Analysis Service)
  • SIEBEL5_V_CENTRAL (CAST Dashboard Service)
  • SIEBEL5_V_MNGT (for the CAST Management).

The extension will be installed at the same time.