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Summary: This page explains how to onboard a Siebel application once the extension has been installed.

Create new Applications in CAST Management Studio

In the CAST Management Studio connect to the Management schema for each of the "triplets" you created in the installation step, and create one Application in each:

  • One for the Vanilla: the Siebel Repository without any custom code
  • One for the Project: the Siebel Repository that contains the custom code for one or multiple Siebel applications

Click to enlarge

Only ONE application per Siebel repository should be created in the CAST Management Studio, even though the Siebel repository may contain multiple custom "applications". CAST will extract source code in one go from each Siebel repository.

Deliver the source code for Vanilla

The DMT will open and the version editor is then displayed:

Create a package. In the wizard, select "Siebel" under "Select a vendor specific repository":

In the wizard, select the appropriate option as described in the section below - see Siebel 5.3 - Legacy - Extraction options for more information about the available options and how to configure them:

When the extraction options are configured, click Package...

Package action

After pressing the Package action button and when you have used the Siebel on DB2, Siebel on MS SQL Server or Siebel on Oracle options, the following occurs:

  • a series of ~200 SQL queries are performed on the target Siebel repository.
  • the time taken for the whole task can vary from 5 minutes to several hours. A good runtime in less than 2 hours. If it takes more time and you are targeting repositories on an Oracle Server, it is likely due to Oracle statistics not being up-to-date (see Prerequisites for more information).
  • also check that the Prerequisites described in On Workstation used for extraction (where the CAST Delivery Manager Tool is deployed) have been met where you are experiencing performance issues.

Ensuring the extraction task is correct

  • Successful completion in decent time
  • End of log is clean
  • Inspection of extraction log reveals no error nor problematic warnings

In addition:

  • Number of extracted rows? Ranges from 2 million to 8 million.
  • Size of the .castextraction archive: 40 MB to 150 MB.
  • Project extraction archive is larger (1% to 50% larger) than the Vanilla .castextraction archive

When the extraction has completed, you should see the following in the Package Content tab:

Click to enlarge

The content state for the Package should display Packaging successful and the action required is Package ready to be delivered. You can now deliver the source code. To do so, click Deliver…. In the wizard, answer Yes when prompted whether the delivery is complete:

When the delivery has completed, the content state for the Package should display Packaging successful and the action required is empty (i.e. nothing further to do).


It is possible that the following INFO level message may be visible in the Siebel extraction log:

INFO GROUP_EXPORTER_RESOLUTION_ERROR_IDENTIFICATION_GROUP_VALUE Resolution error type in: SIEBEL_APPLICATION for identification group: Siebel_DisplayType on value: Siebel Application"

This is an INFO level message triggered during the "browse" setp of the extraction process and does not, in any way, impact the results of the extraction.

Deliver the source code for Project

The DMT will open and the version editor is then displayed:

Create a package. In the wizard, select "Siebel" under "Select a vendor specific repository":

In the wizard, select the appropriate option as described in the section below - see Siebel 5.2 - Extraction options for more information about this:

To extract the source code, click Package...

Package action

After pressing the Package action button and when you have used the Siebel on DB2, Siebel on MS SQL Server or Siebel on Oracle options, the following occurs:

  • a series of ~200 SQL queries are performed on the target Siebel repository.
  • the time taken for the whole task can vary from 5 minutes to several hours. A good runtime in less than 2 hours. If it takes more time and you are targeting repositories on an Oracle Server, it is likely due to Oracle statistics not being up-to-date (see Prerequisites for more information).
  • also check that the Prerequisites described in On Workstation used for extraction (where the CAST Delivery Manager Tool is deployed) have been met where you are experiencing performance issues.

Ensuring the extraction task is correct

  • Successful completion in decent time
  • End of log is clean
  • Inspection of extraction log reveals no error nor problematic warnings

In addition:

  • Number of extracted rows? Ranges from 2 million to 8 million.
  • Size of the .castextraction archive: 40 MB to 150 MB.
  • Project extraction archive is larger (1% to 50% larger) than the Vanilla .castextraction archive

When the extraction has completed, you should see the following in the Package Content tab:

Click to enlarge

The content state for the Package should display Packaging successful and the action required is Package ready to be delivered. You can now deliver the source code. To do so, click Deliver…. In the wizard, answer Yes when prompted whether the delivery is complete:

When the delivery has completed, the content state for the Package should display Packaging successful and the action required is empty (i.e. nothing further to do).


It is possible that the following INFO level message may be visible in the Siebel extraction log:

INFO GROUP_EXPORTER_RESOLUTION_ERROR_IDENTIFICATION_GROUP_VALUE Resolution error type in: SIEBEL_APPLICATION for identification group: Siebel_DisplayType on value: Siebel Application"

This is an INFO level message triggered during the "browse" setp of the extraction process and does not, in any way, impact the results of the extraction.